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Thank you Mattie. It is a widely observed issue, abundance of choice. It can lead to depression (apparently). I have been involved with many crypto startups. It became clear to me that the raises were getting progressively larger, and harder to justify or account for. I have come from a background of bootstrapping resourcefully, and I know the hunger most of these 'devs' lack upon securing the first tranche of their ludicrously easy to garner 'loot'. Needless to say, most of the 'teams' I walked from, early, still managed to raise absurd amounts of money - but barely a thing of use has come of any of it.

Add in the completely 'hands-off', cynical cash grabbing investors and the influence it bestows upon wannabe crypto projects, and there you have a big ol' waste of money and resources for the many, and something similar for the few who take the filthy lucre.

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